5 Best Leadership Books

5 Best Leadership Books

Leadership is an important skill in almost every sphere of life; be it workplace, home, sports, etc. Developing leadership is a lifelong learning process. Good leadership qualities can be acquired through the training, learning from others and reading. In this post, I have compiled 5 Best Books on Leadership, from some of the Top Authors on this topic. I believe reading these 5 books can help you polish your current leadership skills and acquire more advanced knowledge that you can apply in your career and life at large.

1. Hal Moore on Leadership: Winning When Outgunned and Outmanned

Hal Moore on Leadership

This is a great book with real practical leadership skills from Hal Moore career spanning more than thirty years. This book offers a comprehensive guide to the principles which helped shape Moore’s success on and off the battle field. The leadership strategies described in this book applies to any leader in any organization. Looking for firsthand leadership strategies from an experienced leader? Then this is the book you should read.

2. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Start with Why

Have you ever asked yourself why some managers, CEOs or just ordinary people are more successful in what they do?
Start with Why, shows you how great leaders think, act and communicate. This is a book every person, manager, CEO should read to learn the secrets to succeeding as a leader.

3. On the Edge: Leadership Lessons from Mount Everest and Other Extreme Environments

On the Edge

If you would like to learn leadership from a totally different perspective, then this is a book you should read. On the Edge, is a comprehensive leadership manual that shares insightful strategies on leadership from various extreme environments ranging from Mt. Everest to the South Pole. By sharing and reflecting on the lessons she learned from her various expeditions, the Author makes a clear case that, the leadership principles that apply in extreme adventure sport can also apply in today’s extreme business environments. If you are looking for an engaging as well as exciting book on leadership, then this is a good book to read.

4. The Coaching Habit: Say less, ask more & Change the way you lead forever

The coaching habit

With so many years of experience in coaching, the author reveals how to unlock people’s potential and enable them to achieve their best in their work and life. He shares 7 Transformative questions that can make a big difference in how you lead. This is a great book especially for managers who would like to enhance their leadership skills.

5. Dare to lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts

Dare to Lead

A leader is a person who has the courage, the insight, and vision of what he/she wants to accomplish. The Author shows that a leader is someone who dares, takes courage and responsibility of recognizing and developing other people’s potential as he/she accomplishes the mission set forth. With additional input from research conducted with leaders in various fields, change makers, etc. she shows you how to put those ideas into practice so that you dare to lead:

 You can also read: Top 5 Self-improvement Books

5 Best Leadership Books 5 Best Leadership Books Reviewed by John Mulindi on July 06, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. Leadership is such an important segment of society.
    Thanks for the recommendations, sounds very inspiring..


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